Our Farmes
Farmers from the DABOV Specialty Coffee family
The coffees that our coffee hunter Jordan Dabov chooses for you are produced by farmers who follow the path of sustainable development in their farms. Most of them are among the best farmers in their country. They love coffee. They live with coffee.
Their world is not the world of quick, easy and secure profits made with the expense of good quality. They consider the green coffee beans their golden treasure. And they methodically go through all the steps from planting to processing the crop and having as a result specialty coffee – which makes only 5% of the coffee production worldwide.
Here we will introduce you to all farmers who we proudly call the Dabov Specialty Coffee family.
Their world is not the world of quick, easy and secure profits made with the expense of good quality. They consider the green coffee beans their golden treasure. And they methodically go through all the steps from planting to processing the crop and having as a result specialty coffee – which makes only 5% of the coffee production worldwide.
Here we will introduce you to all farmers who we proudly call the Dabov Specialty Coffee family.

Oswaldo Pérez Ramírez from Guatemala
The farm was established by Osvaldo Perez and his brothers in 1940, starting with the cultivation of coffee on an area of 5.6 hectares of land. Years later Osvaldo Perez Ramirez took over the family business. Gradually, he began to apply new and improved techniques in the cultivation of coffee plantations, resulting in higher yields. He started to work on new varieties such as Catimor, Catuai, and Pacamara. Gradually the business grew and to date, the farm reaches an area of 105 hectares of coffee and 35 hectares of virgin rainforest. Learn more about Osvaldo Perez Ramirez our special page dedicated to him here!
Specialty Coffee Guatemala Bio Flor de Cafe
A sweet combination of notes of multi-chocolate and pie honey.
Ramon Tangarife from Colombia
Ramon Alfredo Presiga Tangarife is a professional agronomist with a Q Grader certification, which qualifies him as an expert in coffee grading. The coffee is grown on the farm El Indio, Colombia and is surrounded by protected areas that provide a great wealth of natural resources and diverse flora and fauna - unique flavors that can be felt.
Learn more about Ramon Tangarife from our special page dedicated to him here!
Learn more about Ramon Tangarife from our special page dedicated to him here!
Specialty Coffee Colombia Presiga Tangarife
Fruity combination of notes of chocolate mousse, blueberries, red orange.
Specialty Coffee Colombia Giraldo Exotic
Chocolate combination of notes of milk chocolate, dried apricot, hazelnut.

Marysabel Caballero from Honduras
Marysabel Caballero is a hereditary coffee farmer and owner of the specialty coffee farm Finca El Puente in Honduras with her husband Moises Herrera. In 2016, the two won 1st place in Cup of Excellence Honduras. Dabov Specialty Coffee is one of the few roasters in the world to whom Marysabel and Moises entrust their coffees.
Learn more about Marysabel Caballero from our special page dedicated to her here!
Our goal is to show you the love and dedication that Marisabel and Moses put behind this coffee. Pamper your senses with their unique aromatic coffees.
Learn more about Marysabel Caballero from our special page dedicated to her here!
Our goal is to show you the love and dedication that Marisabel and Moses put behind this coffee. Pamper your senses with their unique aromatic coffees.
Specialty Coffee Honduras Finka El Puente
Sweet delight in a coffee cup with notes of milk chocolate and cocoa beans.
buySpecialty Coffee Honduras Caballero
Coffee Honduras Cabayero is a sweet, fruity sensation. It combines the aromatic notes of mango, banana, mint and ice cream.
buySpecialty Coffee Honduras Geisha 1
A sweet combination of jasmine, peach and pineapple that you will fall in love with.
buySpecialty Coffee Honduras Semi Anaerobic
A special combination of dark chocolate, strawberry and orange.
Dariush Echeverria from Guatemala
Dariush Echeverria is a fifth generation coffee farmer. The Santa Rita farm was founded in the 1870s by Dariush’s great-great-great-grandfather. Today it proudly produces specialty coffee with numerous international certificates for organic production and environmental protection.
Learn more about Dariush Echeverria from our special page dedicated to him here!
Learn more about Dariush Echeverria from our special page dedicated to him here!
Specialty Coffee Guatemala San Miguel - Bio
Fruity taste of tangerine, red apple, toffee, and honey sweetness for a perfect finish.

Farmers from Gems of Araku Competition in India
The Small Farmer Organic Cooperative Society (SAMTFMACS) in the Araku Valley, India today has 10,500 farmers. The producers of the best quality coffee from those farmers participate in the specialty coffee competition Gems of Araku. We have been offering you competition coffee since 2020.
Learn more about Farmers from Gems of Araku Competition from our special page dedicated to them here!
Learn more about Farmers from Gems of Araku Competition from our special page dedicated to them here!

Renato Ishikawa from Brazil
Renato Ishikawa is a son of Japanese emigrants in Brasil. After he bought Fazenda Alianca in 1996, he has transformed in into a specialty coffee haven in Mogiana region of the state of Sao Paulo.
Learn more about Renato Ishikawa from our special page dedicated to him here!
Learn more about Renato Ishikawa from our special page dedicated to him here!
Specialty Coffee Brazil Alianca
A coffee with a sweet beginning and end. Flavored with toffee, biscuits and chocolate.

Gabriela Hueck from Nicaragua
Gabriela Hueck is the head of the quality control in Finca La Virgen, the winner of the 6th place at Cup Of Excellence Nicaragua 2018. The farm has been producing for years some of the finest coffees in Nicaragua following the model of sustainable development and trying to improve their quality of life by giving houses to permament workers, maintaining equal pay for men and women, providing workers and their families with free education and healthcare.
Learn more about Gabriela Hueck from our special page dedicated to her here!
Learn more about Gabriela Hueck from our special page dedicated to her here!

Enrique Diaz Cambraia
Enrique Diaz Cambraia is the owner of Fazenda Samambaia and representative of the fourth generation of the Cambraia family, long-time producers of specialty coffee.
Enrique’s coffee has repeatedly won awards in the international Cup of Excellence competition, the most important competition in the world of specialty coffee, the prizes of which are a huge reward for the work of each farmer. Thanks to his hard work and the passion of his entire team, Fazenda Samambaia managed to win a place at the top for two years in a row (2000 and 2001) and also in 2014.
Learn more about Enrique Cambraia from our special page dedicated to him here!
Enrique’s coffee has repeatedly won awards in the international Cup of Excellence competition, the most important competition in the world of specialty coffee, the prizes of which are a huge reward for the work of each farmer. Thanks to his hard work and the passion of his entire team, Fazenda Samambaia managed to win a place at the top for two years in a row (2000 and 2001) and also in 2014.
Learn more about Enrique Cambraia from our special page dedicated to him here!
Specialty Coffee Brazil Samambaia
Warm your senses with the taste notes of cocoa liquor, cane sugar and hazelnut.
Ernesto Perez Orrea from Mexico
Ernesto's family has a long history that goes hand in hand with the history of Mexican coffee. Together with his sister Livet Ernesto, they acquired the finca Fatima in the 1970s. After his education in the USA, Ernesto returned to Vracruz to manage the family coffee farm for specialty coffee. In 2019, the Finnish woman Fatima managed to place in the top 10 at the Cup of Excellence competition in Mexico.
Learn more about Ernesto Pérez Orrea on our dedicated page about him here!
Learn more about Ernesto Pérez Orrea on our dedicated page about him here!

Mario Alberto Aco Gomez
Farmer Mario Alberto Aco Gómez and his father take care of their finca farm Appipias with a lot of love and patience. They carry on the family tradition of three generations of coffee farmers. In 2022, their coffee won the 25th place in the Cup of Excellence competition.
Learn more about Mario Alberto Aco Gomez in our dedicated page about him here!
Опитайте печелившото кафе за 2022 г в конкурса COE – кафе Мексико Апипиас и усетете открояващите се неустоими нотки на череша в комбинация с шоколад и захарен сироп.
Learn more about Mario Alberto Aco Gomez in our dedicated page about him here!
Опитайте печелившото кафе за 2022 г в конкурса COE – кафе Мексико Апипиас и усетете открояващите се неустоими нотки на череша в комбинация с шоколад и захарен сироп.
Specialty Coffee Mеxico Apipias #25 COE 2022 WINNER
With notes of cherry, chocolate and sugar syrup.

Farmers Association of Otaya Farmers in Kenya
The Otaya Farmers' Association is nestled among the foothills of Mount Kenya. It is one of the largest certified specialty coffee farms in Kenya.
Find out more about the Farmers Association of Kenya on our dedicated page about them here!
Присъединете се към нас на пътешествие сред вкусовете на Кения и усетете магията на Африка с тези две специални кафета от Кения.
Find out more about the Farmers Association of Kenya on our dedicated page about them here!
Присъединете се към нас на пътешествие сред вкусовете на Кения и усетете магията на Африка с тези две специални кафета от Кения.
Specialty Coffee Kenya Kamoini
Feel the taste of one of the best coffees from Kenya - Kenya Kamoini coffee. With taste notes of cream, berries and milk chocolate.

Rachel Samuel and Adam from Ethiopia
Rachel Samuel was born in Ethiopia. The coffee industry became her personal mission when she returned to her homeland in 2007 to film a documentary about Ethiopian specialty coffee. Rachel, along with her husband Adam, began looking for land to start their specialty coffee business.
Learn more about Rachel Samuel from Ethiopia on our special page about them here!
We offer you the opportunity to try one of the best coffees in the world - Ethiopia Geisha, which is produced in Gesha Village, Ethiopia.
Learn more about Rachel Samuel from Ethiopia on our special page about them here!
We offer you the opportunity to try one of the best coffees in the world - Ethiopia Geisha, which is produced in Gesha Village, Ethiopia.
Specialty Coffee Ethiopia Gesha
Treat your senses to this amazing combination of tropical fruit sweetness combined with jasmine and enriched with vanilla flavor.